In October 2014, Rabbi Paula Marcus and (the Rev.) Dave Grishaw-Jones will once again lead an interfaith delegation from California to Israel, Palestine and the heart of the Middle East. The delegation will explore the conflict and turmoil in the Holy Land; the important religious and cultural history of the region; and the rich promise of interfaith understanding and collaboration.
The two invite you to consider joining them on this pilgrimage of heart and spirit. You'll be invited to join conversations organized in advance of the trip, and you'll be welcomed into an extraordinary and diverse circle of compassion, commitment and hope. You can reach Rabbi Paula at 831-479-3444 and Dave at 831-426-2010. This will be the third delegation organized by the two, and they're excited about the experiences and conversations we'll share together in a conflicted, beautiful and important region.
In the posts below, you'll read reflections of participants on the the Fall 2011 delegation. This should give you a taste for the many-faceted experience of interfaith travel. It was rich, complex, hard and very meaningful. We hope to hear from you!