Monday, November 3, 2014

That's How the Light Gets In

A poem by Rabbi Paula Marcus

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen


There are cracks in the wall where the green capers grow.
There are cracks in the wall holding prayers.
There are cracks in the wall stuffed with dreams and with pain.
There are cracks in the wall filled with notes.

"We bang our heads against this very high wall
and make cracks in it", he did say.
Two fathers grieve, share the weight of their pain.
Friendship shining though cracks in the walls.

We dance to new songs, ancient languages new.
Through cracks in the wall, middle way.
We can't give up hope in these darkest of times.
Share your light, Ir Shalom* once again.

*City of Peace

Reflections on
* Our visit to the Kotel--Western Wall
* Conversation with Rami Elchanan and Bassam Aramin from Bereaved Families Circle
* Concert with Wast Al Tarik, Middle of the Way, a mixed Israeli-Palestinian musical ensemble playing traditional Arabic music along with Hebrew songs and original material.