Wednesday, November 5, 2014

We Plant Double

A poem by Rabbi Paula Marcus
If somebody comes...with hearts and hands...two women

We are part of the nonviolent resistance, she says.
They want us to leave. 
Any time day or night, 
A soldier can come and take my beloved

Our children throw rocks
But we don't try to kill
Why should we have to pay
For what they did to Jews in Europe?

My grandfather bought this land in 1916, she says.
After 100 years now solar powers our lights.
We can only build below ground, caves.
With hearts and hands we change this land.

When they chop down our trees
We plant double what they killed.
We refuse to be enemies.
They call me Amal to keep hope alive.

We met with Manal Tamimi from the demonstrations in Nabi Saleh
We met with Amal Nasser from "The Tent of Nations" on her family farm.